PDPL Clarification Text

As TERMO ISI SİSTEMLERİ TiCARET VE SANAYİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ (“ECOSTAR” or the “Company”), we pay utmost attention to the security of your personal data. With this awareness, we attribute great importance to process and store   personal data of real persons who work as insured at the Company, in compliance with Law no. 6698 (“the Law or KVKK”), secondary legislations (regulation, declaration, circular…) and binding resolutions of Personal Data Protection Committee. With this cognizance we, as the data controller in accordance with the Law, process your personal data in compliance with following descriptions and within the limits of legislation.


  1. Information Related to Data Controller

There under Law “Data Controller” is TERMO ISI SİSTEMLERİ TiCARET VE SANAYİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ with an address of Esentepe Mah. Milangaz Cad. No: 75 Kat: 3 Monumento Plaza Kartal \ İstanbul which is registered to Istanbul Registry of Commerce with tax registration number 752008769.


  1. Personal Data Processing Purposes

 Your personal data shall be processed within the limits specified in the Law, in a limited and measured manner in accordance with the law, honesty rules and always related to the purposes of; carrying out the necessary activities by Company’s business departments to conduct commercial operations of the Company in compliance with legislation and Company policies; determining, planning and performing Company’s short, medium and long term business policies; Planning and performing human recourses operations of the Company; Fulfilling of obligations arising from applicable legislation; managing customer relations and corporate communications and ensuring commercial and legal security of legal and real persons who are in a business relation with the Company.


  1. Transferring Personal Data

Your personal data are transferred within the purposes mentioned above in compliance with the conditions specified in Article 8 and 9 of the Law to; legally authorized public institutions, judicial and administrative authorities, private legal and real persons empowered by other legislation, institutions and organizations authorized to supervise the Company, contracted paying agencies to fulfill the payments and financial obligations, business partners who are in league with the Company and provides services for it to manage and develop Company operations and Company’s suppliers only when needed.


  1. Methods and Legal Reasons of Collecting Personal Data

Your personal data is collected by the authorized departments and employees of the COMPANY by means of automatic and non-automatic methods in oral, written or electronic media. In this context personal data in categories of identity, communication, location, personal file, legal operations, customer operation, physical place security, process security, risk management, finance, Professional experience, marketing, visual and audial recordings and health are processed in accordance with Article 5/2/a-c-ç-d-e-f  of the Law that allow  data processing if it is; explicitly regulated by Law, directly related to form or execute a contract, obligatory for fulfillment of data controller’s legal obligations, compulsory for establishing, exercising or protecting a right and compulsory for legitimate interests of the Data Controller with the condition, not to violate fundamental rights and freedoms of the related person.


Health information in the category of special quality personal data is confidential based on the legal reasons for the protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing in accordance with Article 6/3 of the Law. Occupational health and safety experts and workplace physicians who are under the obligation to preserve or forensic records in the category of special quality personal data are processed together on the basis of your express consent pursuant to Article 6/2 of the Law. In addition, personal data processed within the scope of product and service marketing and strategic marketing activities within the scope of informative commercial electronic message sending activities for advertising, campaign and promotion purposes, can be processed based on the legal reason of your explicit consent in paragraph 5/1 of the Law, based on obtaining your explicit consent additionally..


  1. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law

You may apply to ECOSTAR/ the Company at any time;

  • to learn whether personal data related to you are/have being processed,
  • if it is processed, to request information with regard to processing,
  • to learn purposes of the processing and whether your personal data has been used for the intended purpose
  • to know the third parties within or outside the country, to whom your personal data are transferred,
  • to request correction of the personal data if the data is processed incompletely or inaccurately,
  • to request deletion or destruction of the personal data under the conditions set forth in Article 7 of the Law No. 6698 on Personal Data Protection,
  • to request notifying third persons to whom the personal data are transferred, about the processes completed within the scope of Art 11/d-e of the Law,
  • to object to negative consequences about you that are concluded as a result of analysis of the processed personal data exclusively by automatic means,
  • to claim indemnification if you suffered damage due to illegal processing of your personal data.


You may exercise your rights listed above through filling out and signing a form that you can obtain from us or https://www.ecostar.com.tr/  and apply to the following address personally or with a notary approved power of attorney:

  • Fill in the application form, which you can obtain from the Human Resources Department, for your rights listed above; signing with your wet-ink signature and pass it to Esentepe Mah. Milangaz Cad. No: 75 Kat: 3 Monumento Plaza Kartal \ İstanbul by personal application, by certified mail or through a notary public.
  • Sign with your electronic signature or mobile signature and send it to [email protected] using your Registered Electronic Mail (REM) address or the e-mail address registered to the data recording system of ECOSTAR.


If there is a written response to your application, there will be no charge for the first 10 (ten) pages, and a transaction fee of 1 TL will be charged for each page above 10 (ten) pages. If the response to your application is given in a recording medium such as a CD or flash memory, the exigible cost will be no more than the cost of the recording medium.


Your application as a personal data owner, if you want to use or demand the use of your rights mentioned above, the request should be clear and understandable enough, the subject of your request should be related to you or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you must submit a special power of attorney approved by the notary. First name, signature, identity number, residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax number, and the presence of the requisite elements are obligatory in accordance with the “Notification on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Officer”. Applications that do not include such elements will be rejected by ECOSTAR.


The ECOSTAR reserves the right to make changes in this Notice, due to the Law, secondary regulations and Board decisions. Changes in the Notice and the current text will enter into force immediately as of the date of notification. You may click the link and access the details of personal data inventory and personal data processing actions of ECOSTAR stated in Data Controllers Registry. In case of requesting further information please contact with us.