After-Sales Services

Call Center

444 8 ECO
444 8 326

Your satisfaction is important to us!

 If you need servicing, just fill in the "Failure/Complaint Form" or "Commissioning Request Form" at our website according to your needs. Necessary service arrangements are done by our customer service department, and notified to our customers via SMS. Response time for malfunctions is 24 hours (1 business day), and first start-up operations are carried out within 3 business days.

Response is provided by our trained and certified technicians located in every city of Turkey, directed by our “Call Center” unit in our headquarters in case of initial start-up or malfunctions. After completion of the servicing operations, our customer service representatives call and receive confirmation from our customers.

If the process could not be completed for any reason, the organization process is started again.

At the end of each service, a questionnaire is conducted with our customers via phones to measure their level of satisfaction.

For All of your Technical questions, fault notification and complaints;

You can reach us through our Customer Services e-mail address of [email protected]  and our Call Center at 444 83 26