Our company founder Sami Özyıldırım started to work for Sunguroğlu company as the first contractor.
Termo-Heat Isı San. ve Tic. A.Ş. was established.
Istanbul Maltepe Factory was established.
Production and sales of resistance and electrical home appliances started.
Tube Resistance production and sales started.
TSE 5101 "Electrical Metal Pipe Cover" Standard was established.
Liquid fuel burner production started with the distributorship of Dr. B. Thyssen Gmbh in Turkey.
Hot Air Generator production and sales started.
Its factory established in Tekirdağ / Çorlu.
The burner production range was expanded to Gas-Liquid Fuel-Dual. (40 kw-42 MW)
The first export sale was made.
The Ecostar brand patent was obtained and the production and sales of burners under this brand were started.
Production and sales of a new generation burner product range under the name of NG began.
Head office moved to Istanbul Kartal Monumento Plaza location.
Ecodense brand patent was obtained and R&D, production and sales activities for wall-mounted condensing boilers started under this brand.
Ecodense floor type condensing boiler production and sales started.
Our R&D department in our Çorlu factory became an R&D Design Center.
The award was given to the company that exports the most burners in Turkey.
A sales office was opened in Montenegro with the Ecostar Europe brand.
FUSE series of Industrial process burners added to our developing product range.
Ecodense Combi boiler production and sales started.